Webcomic Preview Review - Gel


GEL is a manga inspired sci-fi/ fantasy, by Toronto based artist Andrew Sebastian Kwan. Think Mad Max meets Lord of the Rings. We are excited to get the webcomic publishing rights for this work.


GEL is a webcomic that tells a brutal and kick ass tale of survival and (re)connecting with the world and people around you. After the Earth suffers a cataclysm of biblical proportions, humans are nearly extinct and are no longer at the top of the food chain. There are monsters around every corner- in the skies, underground, behind your back and in your nightmares!

Right from the opening scene, we are introduced to the hard realities of the world of Gel introduced by the cover.


This Webcomic is Not So Safe for Work for the Grit Factor

When we first read this, it reminded us of the tone set in the movie Book of Eli with Denzel Washington. Except our main character here is, well, a lot more direct. Take a look.

What we love about this webcomic

This might seem minor these days, but the style is very retro manga where the shading was done using a very specific technique. Way back in the day, this was all shaded by hand and artists had to cut out sheets of different gradient textures and literally paste them onto the art work. Of course we're dating ourselves here.

What do you think? Pretty cool in a gritty way right? Leave a comment below.