Weekly Pop-Up Gallery - October 26th 2020

Weekly Pop-up Gallery

Hey everyone, 

Here we are the handpicked artworks from this week.



Often we feel that we're caught alone in the world. It can seem like a bright spotlight that demands something from us, while we stand there, unable to call upon the aid of others. Times like this feel like that.

By Keelin Gorlewski


When artists reinterpret things, the effect of the original is always so strong that you easily notice the remnant of the original. But for this I had to look again to see that it was originally from Leonardo Da Vinci's Lady with an ermine painting. Such is the level of uniqueness that Cathrin Peterslund delivers.

By Cathrin Peterslund


There are times when you want to just hideaway and crouch down, not let the world see you while you desperately cling onto whatever space you can take for yourself. But you'll still find your own sense of independent resistance in yourself. It's there, perhaps dormant, but it flares up every now and then in small things. Like the sharp tip of a head, or the silent glare that cuts through the air.

By Filis Ozkurdum


As we stay indoors for longer, it feels that we are just discovering how many different ways we can spend time inside. And when you stay inside with someone else you are close with, all of a sudden the possibilities are multiplied, and along with it, the joy.

By Jade Armstrong


Afternoons can be cozy times, and you only truly appreciate it when you've slowed yourself down. Locked up in the office with no sense of how time is passing by, you can miss these moments easily. It's a wonderful feeling to just pause. Take a cup of tea, go through a few pages of a book, while your cat or dog sits by you.

By Isabelle Arne
